Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Great things happen over a pint of beer.

So there I was, drunk with my buddies at the local flying saucer. "You know what? We need to start lifting again", I say. I had been in the military like 6 years at this point. Too busy, or too poor or just too fucking lazy to hit the gym. I was a college athlete, played Div I football at Mississippi State for a couple years back in the late 90's. I use the term "played" loosely because I never saw a snap in an actual game. But I was there, on a big time, no shit SEC team. I worked my ass off. Lifted at 4:30 in the morning every day as a freshman. Strong, fast, agile, I was at my peak. Or so I thought. Why do I even mention this stuff? Well because I'm bragging... But the point is, being an athlete and a lifter defined me. At some point after college I lost that part of me for a few years. So here we are at the bar, a couple good buddies, great drunk ideas, motivated. Guess what happened the next day? We did it. We joined the gym and went there every day. I know, surprising that we made good on a drunk vow to start improving ourselves again. None of my other ideas have ever worked out after a couple pints but this one did. So that is how, in my early 30's, I got back in the gym.

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